Summit Itinerary

Please note, this summit will take place virtually on a platform called Gather. Instructions for logging on will be sent to all participants prior to the event.

Dec 14, 2023

Welcome & Keynote

8:00am - 8:50am Mountain Time (15:00 - 15:50 UTC)

"Unlocking Success: Building a Thriving LabVIEW Business through Community Collaboration"

Jim Kring

Running a business is challenging, often involving fierce competition for projects. However, by adopting an abundance mindset, we can foster collaboration, even with potential "competitors," to generate more opportunities for all. Join Jim as he shares insights from his consulting business journey, highlighting the unexpected benefits and surprises he's encountered. Discover exciting prospects for cultivating greater abundance within our LabVIEW community.

Split Keynotes

9:00am - 9:50am Mountain Time (16:00-16:50 UTC)

"Being Good at LabVIEW Is Not Enough"

Malcolm Myers

For whatever reason, you’ve decided to start up your own business as a LabVIEW consultant. You’re good at LabVIEW, you’ve got a website and you’ve told everyone on LinkedIn that you’re now in business. So, can you just sit back and wait for the orders to flood in? No, it’s really not that easy. If you’re going to succeed in business you are going to have to learn many new skills, most of which have nothing to do with LabVIEW: sales; marketing; negotiating; writing proposals; presenting to customers; the list goes on. Come along and discuss the things you will need to learn, and put into practice, in order to get your fledgling business off the ground.

I survived the learning years. Now what?

Sam Taggart

Stepping out on your own was scary, but you did it and you've managed to survive. After those first couple customers, what's next? How do you go from surviving to thriving? How do you get off the treadmill and build a sustainable business? How do you go from owning your job to being a business owner?

Unconference Explainer and Topic Pitches

10:00am - 10:50am Mountain Time (17:00-17:50 UTC)

Taylor Oxley

Open Session #1

11:00am - 11:50am Mountain Time (18:00-18:50 UTC)

Lunch Break

11:50pm - 12:30pm Mountain Time (18:50-19:30 UTC)

Open Session #2

12:30pm - 1:20pm Mountain Time (19:30-20:20 UTC)

Open Session #3

1:30pm - 2:20pm Mountain Time (20:30-21:20 UTC)

Open Session #4

2:30pm - 3:20pm Mountain Time (21:30-22:20 UTC)

Conference Wrap Up and Virtual Happy Hour

3:20pm - 5:00pm Mountain Time (22:20-24:00 UTC)